WMINZ – The Horror of 240L Wheelie Bins
What is so Horrible Anyway..? We worked with Waste Not Consulting − who have been going through bins and bags of rubbish for a looonnng time now (15 years but who’s counting) − to crunch the data to try and understand what the impact of wheeled bins is. A few things become obvious after a while − Let’s have a look…
The Horror of 240 Litre Wheeled Bins – Presentation
View this presentation on ‘The Horror of 240 Litre Wheeled Bins’ from the WasteMINZ Conference 2014. In this presentation Duncan Wilson presents a range of data that demonstrates how large wheeled bins for rubbish drive wasteful behaviour. Simply put,...Waste Stocktake – Waikato & Bay Of Plenty
This waste stocktake report has been undertaken to help construct a comprehensive picture of waste management in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions.
Waste Levy Spending Guidelines
These guidelines provide good practice guidance to territorial authorities (TAs) on how to use Waste Disposal Levy money received.
Taking waste out of waste – LG Magazine Article
Councils, like most sectors of society, have been feeling the pressure to constrain spending following on from the last global financial crisis. But ‘doing more with less’, as much as it sounds like a corporate cliche, is actually no bad thing.
Food Waste Collection Trials – Presentation WMINZ
Minimizing Waste Trial – a Presentation to WMINZ
Auckland Waste Stocktake Strategic Assessment
This report presents a stocktake of waste and diverted materials flows and facilities in the Auckland Region. Data and information from local government, business, and key waste and recovered material operators have been compiled to provide a quantitative analysis of waste and diverted materials in the region.