The latest news and information about our work, new reports, speaking engagements and resource links.
Latest Posts
Eunomia is Hiring
senior administrator (part time) Eunomia is looking to add to our team in the sustainability and resource recovery sector. Eunomia is a thought leader in the waste, resource recovery, and sustainability sectors, both in New Zealand and internationally. We work with...
Waste Disposal Levy Consultation
The Government has announced a consultation on changes to the waste disposal levy. The proposals would see the rate of the levy increase to $50-$60 a tonne by 2023 for waste to class 1 landfills. The levy would also be extended to cover classes 2-4 landfills at lower...
More Onshore Processing of Recycling?
The Ministry for the Environment has released the Situational Analysis report Eunomia wrote last year. Our work analysed the impact of China's moves to ban scrap material imports on the New Zealand recycling industry. You can download a copy here:...
A Few Links We Like
New Zealand Recycling symbols and colours – improve your communications!
Zero waste events – free resources to help plan a zero waste event
Package Free stores – sounds like we could use a few in NZild..
Steady state economics – might be something to it…
Traffic congestion cars vs trams…
The Green Police! Where do we enlist…?
The roles of the public private and community sectors Duncan Wilson Blogs
World wastes up to 50% of the food produced – New study by Institution of Mechanical Engineers
US throws away 40% of food produced shows study
Artic sea ice disappering 50% faster than predicted
Rising population and higher food prices are a recipe for hunger. But Kiwis are taking a leading role in heading off a global food crisis.
The majority of UK local authorities opt for kerbside sort when the choice of collection system is left to open competition, according to a new report from consultancy 4R Environmental
Researchers focus on food waste
Allan Savory: TED talk on how to fight desertification and reverse climate change Brilliant.
Electric Telsa coming to NZ. The coolest car on the planet..?
Eight in race for Worst-packaging title
Check out the Eco-Cartoons website by our very own Duncan Wilson
Eco Santa
By our very own Duncan Wilson
For more eco-cartoons visit: