Eunomia worked with the WasteMINZ TA Forum to update the Local Government Waste Manifesto that we originally helped create in 2018. Since the first Manifesto was produced there have been a range of significant changes in the sector. These include the impacts of China’s ‘National Sword’ policy, the ongoing impacts of Covid 19 and the global economic recession, and a growing awareness around the need to tackle plastic pollution.

The updated Manifesto was released on 4 August 2020. It sets out a number of additional actions for Government that will enable real reductions in waste to landfill and reduce the costs borne by councils and their communities.  Together with the original 5 actions, the key elements are:

  1. Review the New Zealand Waste Strategy to set a clear programme for action
  2. Expand the Waste Disposal Levy and progressively raise the levy to reduce waste to landfill
  3. Officially adopt the National Waste Data Framework to enable better planning and monitoring
  4. Introduce a Container Deposit Scheme to lift recycling rates and reduce litter and marine pollution
  5. Implement mandatory or co-designed product stewardship schemes for tyres, e-waste and, agrichemicals, and farm plastics
  6. Invest in onshore and local infrastructure for processing recovered materials
  7. Standardise household rubbish and recycling collection systems
  8. Take action on plastics and packaging to reduce pollution and make sure all packaging used or made in NZ can be re-used or recycled

To download a copy of the updated Manifesto click the download button below:


To download a copy of the orignial Manifesto click the download button below:
